Journey around China – Experience Chongqing Foreign Media Tour Successfully Concludes in Southwest China

CHONGQING, China, Dec. 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Reported by iChongqing  "Chongqing is already my heart. I’ve had a great time. A lot of people were very kind to me, and I hope I will come back here many times," commented Rafael Henrique Zerbetto, editor of the The Courier Esperanto Edition, after the four day tour.

Group photo of the Experience Chongqing Foreign Media Tour delegation
Group photo of the Experience Chongqing Foreign Media Tour delegation

Rafael is among foreign journalists who have worked in China, and was invited to participate in the themed activity ‘Journey around China‘ Experience Chongqing Foreign Media Tour, from December 15 to 18.

During the four-day visit, 12 foreign media organizations from 6 countries visited the Guoyuan Port Multimodal Transport Base, the ASEAN Commodity Centralized Purchasing City, the Rongchang Pottery Museum, and other important locations to experience the tourism and culture of Chongqing in depth, and gain a stronger understanding towards emerging industries and platforms for opening up in Chongqing.

"Chongqing is renowned for smart industry and big data intelligence." Rafael Henrique Zerbetto, editor of the The Courier Esperanto Edition told a reporter, adding the tour has satisfied his longstanding curiosity towards smart industry development in Chongqing, as the city has held the Smart China Expo for three consecutive years.

In addition, the visiting tour groups also visited the Jinke Science and Technology Data Center, Chongqing Panhua Steel Sheet Co Ltd, and Fuling Zhacai Group to experience local smart factories.

The journalists also had a good time experiencing traditional Chinese culture, and personally experienced of two products listed as national intangible cultural heritage in China, namely Rongchang pottery and Xiabu (also named grass linen), which have over a millennium of history.

Rafael continued, "This is my first visit to Chongqing. I have always heard that Chongqing is a very beautiful city, and I have been able to witness this first hand. When I report on this trip, I will show my readers the beautiful scenery of Chongqing, and also bring attention to how local enterprises can empower the city and world development, as well as reporting on potential investment opportunities in Chongqing."

Co-hosts of the Experience Chongqing Foreign Media Tour were the Information Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce, China Report Press, and Chongqing Daily News Group.

The event also attracted the participation of 12 foreign media organizations, including Nikkel Shimbun from Japan, ChosunBiz from South Korea, Zaobao from Singapore, The Star from Malaysia, and Vietnam News Agency.


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