Two Alpha Pte Ltd Announces TradersGPS Lawsuit Settlement

SINGAPORE, Nov. 3, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Two Alpha Private Limited is a provider of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), trading and wealth management solutions to financial services companies. We have acquired the business of AlgoMerchant and currently are the owners of (known as AlgoMerchant).

In 2016, Collin Seow and AlgoMerchant collaborated to co-develop a new cloud-based trading solution called TradersGPS Everywhere, and the collaboration ended in October 2018. As a background, TradersGPS is a trading methodology that was featured in several of Singapore’s best-selling books, ‘The Systematic Trader: How I turned a $250,000 debt into profits’, and ‘The Traders’ Blueprint: Winning Strategies for Profiting from Stocks, Forex, Commodities, and Options Paperback’.

On 11 May 2021, Two Alpha Pte Ltd initiated a legal proceeding for co-ownership claim of ‘TradersGPS’ and reputational damages. Refer to Singapore High Court Suit No. 426 of 2021.

We are pleased to inform the public, and especially our community members, business partners, employees and everyone that have supported us through this period, that both parties to the legal proceeding have managed to resolve the disputes. Below is the joint statement by the Parties:

 "SF5 Pte Ltd, Seow Weng Kiat Collin, and Two Alpha Pte Ltd ("the Parties") wish to announce that they have amicably settled the claim and counterclaim in the Singapore High Court (Suit No. 426 of 2021).

The Parties wish to state that SF5 and Two Alpha jointly own the "TradersGPS" Trademark ("the Trademark").

To avoid any confusion, SF5’s TradersGPS products shall henceforth be marketed as "TradersGPS by Collin Seow" or "TradersGPS by SF5", while Two Alpha’s TradersGPS products shall be marketed as "TradersGPS by Algomerchant" or "TradersGPS by Two Alpha".

Parties have also resolved all misunderstandings arising from the acquisition of Algomerchant by Two Alpha. The parties will refrain from making any future statements in relation to the matters in the High Court Suit that may cast a negative light on the other parties."

About Two Alpha

Two Alpha is a premier quant research firm which employs advanced data analysis, quantitative research methodologies and state-of-the-art technologies to build alpha-driven models for hedge funds and institutional trading groups.

We combine decades of financial markets experience with deep quantitative analysis to research and develop these systematic, alpha-driven trading models.

We are passionate about our craft, and place a strong emphasis on ensuring our models are flexible and robust.

For more information, visit our website.

Investor Contact:

Two Alpha Investor Relations


Vince is a tech geek, has a passion for sharing knowledge and loves to tinker with different gadgets. Whenever he gets a new gadget he just open the box and figure out how the gadget works without reading the manual.

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