2020 Game: A Game that Will Take You Back to a Mad Year

Source: https://2020game.io/

The unforgiving year of 2020 is over and we have finally made it through. Although it might probably not a good idea to look back on everything that has happened last year, playing a game that will briefly transport you back to some of the most significant events that cropped up in 2020, might be a bearable way to revisit the year.

You read it right! There is an existing browser game about the major events of 2020 such as the Australia Wildfires, COVID-19, the Quarantine, the USA Elections, and many others. And it is simply called the 2020 Game.

The 2020 Game

The 2020 Game, released on January 1, 2021, is a free web game for desktop and mobile. It is created by Max Garkavyy, who, as reported by The Verge, developed the game alone over the course of six months.

“I currently work at a boring office job in a big corporation and every day I wonder if I should take the plunge and quit my job to pursue making games,” stated Max. “Do you think I should? 2020 Game is the attempt to prove to myself that I can pay the bills with my games.”

Instead of being a sad reminder of how harsh the year 2020 had been, this side scroller game rather offers a lighthearted take on events that happened last year. Here are some screenshots of the 2020 Game as provided on the game’s press kit.

Source: https://2020game.io/
Source: https://2020game.io/
Source: https://2020game.io/

Wondering if you’re capable of surviving 2020 again? Well, there’s only one way to find out. You can play the 2020 Game here.

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Source: 2020 Game| Press Kit, The Verge, Donorbox| 2020 Game


Vince is a tech geek, has a passion for sharing knowledge and loves to tinker with different gadgets. Whenever he gets a new gadget he just open the box and figure out how the gadget works without reading the manual.

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