Fortnite is now an official High School and College Sport in the US

The world of esports is truly expanding and its reach and influence as a sport is now being recognized. The latest addition to the expanding list of recognized games for esports is Fortnite.

Fortnite as High School and College Sport

Through the latest partnership between epic games and PlayVS, Fortnite will now become a recognized college and high school sport. This partnership will bring Fortnite as a competitive league play in the US College and High School levels. This can be likened to a College or High School basketball tournament.

How Does it Work?

PlayVS is a company that was created with the goal of giving chance to high school students to compete for a state championship. Players will be placed in the league that consists of 2 seasons per school year. In Fortnite, there will be two players in one team.

Season Structure

There will be two seasons and each season is divided into the following:

  • 2 weeks pre-season
  • 8 weeks of regular season
  • Playoffs
  • Crowning of Champion at the end of every season

According to the PlayVS website, Fortnite league is done every Wednesdays. The season will start on March 2, and registration for the high school level is open up until February 17, 2020, while the College level will have their registrations up until February 24, 2020. Fortnite will be played in Duos mode and those who will be gaining the top spots will be invited to the playoffs, the first one of the year will be on May 2020.

Fortnite high school college

What do you think of the recognition of games such as fortnite as High School and College sports? Do you think it is a good idea? Would you join the competition? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.


Vince is a tech geek, has a passion for sharing knowledge and loves to tinker with different gadgets. Whenever he gets a new gadget he just open the box and figure out how the gadget works without reading the manual.

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